Difficulty level: Easy
Time consumption: 5-20 minutes
Tools: Small screwdriver, ash cleaner, ash scraper, brush, glass cleaner sponge

NB: All changes and adjustments must be conducted when the stove is cold and disconnected from the power supply.

Maintaining and cleaning your pellet stove is not just a chore; it's a key practice in ensuring optimal performance, efficiency, and safety. Regular maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your stove but also contributes to its efficiency, preventing potential issues that may arise from neglect. 

By dedicating some time to proper cleaning and upkeep, you not only ensure a warm and cosy environment but also promote the longevity of your stove.

Daily cleaning

Remove ashes

1. Using a heat-resistant ash cleaner or scraper, remove the accumulated ash from the brazier and ash pan.

2. Vacuum ash leftovers from the rest of the combustion chamber and the door.

3. Clean the hole for the igniter using a small screwdriver or wooden stick. Be careful not to damage the ignitor (marked on the picture below):

Clean the glass

1. Using a soft cloth or sponge, clean leftover soot from the glass. We recommend using Aduro Easy Clean which are specialised sponges for stove glass cleaning.

2. For extra stubborn spots of soot or grime, use a specialised cleaner for stove glass like the Aduro Glass cleaner. Make sure it is suited for stoves and doesn’t contain alcohol.

Weekly/monthly maintenance

General cleaning

1. Empty the ash pan and dispose of the contents safely.

2. Brush away any accumulated soot or creosote from the interior surfaces of the stove, including the baffle plates.

3. Clean the glass window with a specialised pellet stove glass cleaner. Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, which may cause scratches or other damage.

4. Clean the hole to the ignitor with a thin object like a screwdriver or a wooden stick.

5. Clean the auger opening for any slags/cinders. This is done by tapping them off with a flat screwdriver and a hammer.

6. Empty the pellet container and vacuum any residual pellets or dust. Check for any signs of moisture in the container.

7. Ensure that the air intake vents are clear and free of obstructions.

8. Remove the vermiculite plates and vacuum behind these.


Check the tightness of screws, bolts, and nuts - especially the ones in the combustion chamber. Retighten as necessary.
Over time, the gaskets wear out and should therefore be checked regularly. If they are leaky, they should be replaced, as it is essential that the stove is tight. In addition, check regularly that the gaskets stay in place so that no smoke escapes from the stove.

Yearly maintenance

All the above steps should be repeated. 
A service visit by an Aduro certified craftsman is required every two years to keep the stove running at its best.